About Bird Control, Bird Proofing & Removal

A professional inspection by Termitrust is your best choice to reduce the presence of problem birds around your home or business. We are trained in bird biology, breeding habits and the latest methods for bird control, removal and proofing.

The elimination and control of birds must be treated responsibly and with caution. Many preventative measures are available but each must be considered in terms of appropriateness for the specific situation. Our technicians will explain all options and advise the most appropriate method of bird control and proofing for your situation.

Most importantly, we know birds in your local area. We have bird control and proofing experts on the ground who can assist with your problem.


  • QLD – Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Logan, Caboolture.
  • NSW – Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle, Hunter, Tamworth, Wollongong & Canberra
  • VIC – Melbourne
  • WA – Perth, Joondalup & Mandurah
  • SA – Adelaide


*Please note this service is not available in all areas.

Issues Associated with Birds


  • Birds tend to roost and nest in all types of buildings, whatever the design. This is usually a seasonal occurrence when the breeding cycle commences.
  • Bird droppings can deface buildings, walkways, air conditioning units, hand railings and other highly visible areas. This not only looks unattractive but also can contribute to health problems.
  • Bird droppings harbour diseases such as Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis and Aspergillosis fungus. When the spores become airborne, they can be inhaled causing serious illness. Pigeons are the main offenders because of their roosting.
  • Birds are hosts for bird lice and bird mites which can become a nuisance.
  • Birds nesting under solar panels deposit a significant amount of droppings and nesting materials.



Learn more about bird proofing solar panels

Types of Problem Birds

Common Starling

Most common in East and South East Australia, these birds are a medium sized black bird with stout pinkish-red legs. They have a narrow, conical bill with a sharp tip. They fly fast with rapid wing movements interspersed by short glides. Common starlings have untidy nests made of leaves, grass, twigs and assorted items of rubbish. They will nest in any hollow like a tree or roof void and are strongly associated with human habitats like parks and cities.

Feral Pigeon

Pigeons are found Australia-wide and are typically medium sized dark grey birds with lighter grey wings. Their neck often has iridescent purple and green display plumage. They have a white nose, black bill, orange eyes and red-purple legs and feet. Feral pigeons nest in man made structures like buildings, bridges, down pipes and gutters. They congregate in open areas and are well known for fouling buildings and statues. They eat bread, seeds, buds, fruit, vegetables and food scraps.

House Sparrow

Found in Eastern Australia these birds are small with a large rounded head. They have a short thick bill and short legs, tail and wings. Males are reddish black and females are plain brown and have a fluffy appearance. They grow to about 17cm long. House sparrows often nest in roof voids, crevices in walls, tree hollows or thick bushes. They construct large nests and will go back and nest in the same area even if their nest is removed. This makes bird proofing essential. Sparrows feed on insects, spiders, berries, seeds, flower buds and food scraps.

Indian or Common Myna

These birds are known to be present on the East and South East coasts of Australia, but originally from Asia. Small but heavily built, they are brown with black heads and have yellow feet, beaks and a patch behind their eyes. They have a distinct strut or exaggerated hop when moving across the ground. Myna nest in the walls and roofs of buildings and will only travel about 100m from their nests. These are messy and made of leaves, feathers and rubbish. Myna are great scavengers and will eat almost anything. They roost and congregate in large groups and are known to cause a deafening noise.


Seagulls, are actually called Silver Gulls and are present in the coastal regions of Australia. They are a medium sized white bird with grey wings and a black tipped tail. They make their nests low to the ground from seaweed and plant matter. Seagulls flock in large numbers often around the ocean but they never fly too far out to sea. They will however fly up to 40km from their colony site for food. They eat fish, plankton, small aquatic animals and are often found scavenging in garbage. They will also eat insects and worms. They are a protected species and any problems with seagulls should be reported to your local council.

Welcome Swallow

Welcome Swallows are a protected species in Australia. They are found all over the country but are more common in the south. They are a relatively small bird, blue-black in colour with light grey underparts and a rust coloured forehead and throat. They have long, forked tails with a row of white spots on the individual feathers. These swallows prefer heavily forested regions or drier inland areas. Their nests are made from grass and mud in an open cup shape. They line this with feathers and attach it to a structure like a rock wall or building. They will feed on insects like mosquitoes, moths and flies. Any problems with these birds should be reported to your local council.


Bird Proofing & Bird Control

If you need help bird proofing your home or business, or controlling problem birds, Termitrust can help. We recommend and can assist with the following methods of bird proofing and bird control to prevent birds from taking over:

Bird Spikes

This method of bird proofing involves installing spikes along framework, walls, pipes and other items to prevent birds from roosting.

Bird Wire and Coils

Similar to bird spikes preventing birds from roosting on wider ledges. This bird proofing system can also be electrified to induce a shock

Bird Netting

Bird proof netting is used to prevent birds from coming into unwanted areas.

Daddi Long Legs

These are long, thick, wavy, stainless steel rods used as bird proofing for application around lights, air conditioning units and other flat surfaces

Bird Baiting

This type of bird control requires the pre feeding of birds for up to 14 consecutive days then on the final day an immobilising agent is used to pacify the birds where they can be readily removed from the site.



This form of bird control must be carried out in a controlled environment where the birds cannot be disrupted by daily activities.

Suitable feed is placed at the target area and gradually different cage components are introduced until the birds are comfortable with the cage. Once the birds have entered the cage, they will not be able to escape. The cage and birds are then removed.


Due to some bird species being classified as pests or vermin, it is legal to set up a culling program to control a bird infestation. This procedure is considered as a final action when other bird control and proofing options cannot be implemented

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