Termite Control Solutions
When building or purchasing a property thorough consideration of the termite management system is imperative to minimise the damage these destructive creatures can cause.
From preventative methods installed during the construction phase to annual inspections, our qualified team of technicians and installers will create a tailored solution suitable to the environment, location and construction type of your home or business.
If you’ve discovered active termites, also known as white ants, on your property, it is important NOT disturb them or sweep away their mud trails. Instead, get in touch with a Termi expert to arrange an inspection and no obligation quote for your termite treatment.
We’ll discuss the best course of action to protect your property from further or future termite damage. Our team can assist with:
- Pre-construction termite barriers
- Our unique Termimesh stainless steel termite management system
- Termite reticualtion systems
- Annual termite inspections
- Termite control and termite treatments
- Pre purchase timber pest inspections
With over 30 year experience in the industry, Termi are committed to providing the most up to date resources for our clients including specification drawings, safety data sheets and case studies to give you confidence on our range of products and services. Keep reading for more detailed information on the right termite control solution to assist with your next project.
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Talk to a Termi expert in your area today
Make an enquiryTermi Home & Commercial services are available right across Western Australia, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and ACT. We are never too far away to provide an obligation free quote or practical advice.